MBA courses warm to the topic of digital security

Data leaks and cyber attacks – digital security becomes an increasingly important part of corporate life. Business schools are now responding to this need and have started to offer courses in digital security skills.


According to experts, global enterprise security spending is growing and could reach more than 96 billion US dollars in 2018, which is an 8 per cent growth compared to 2017. The topic is now at the forefront of many executives in corporations and the Financial Times (FT) has looked extensively into the topic. In a recent article the paper summarized the reaction of business schools.

Although many elements seem to solely focus on technical skills, it is also important to create the right corporate atmosphere: Preventing breaches, the FT quotes an expert, relies as much on managing the online behaviour of employees as installing firewalls. As cyber attacks can influence the financial as well as legal situation of an enterprise and have effects on its image and brand, it is essential for a wide range of employees to understand the threats and how to react to them.

Therefore, experts recommend that every MBA programme has at least some content on cyber security. According to FT’s research there are some schools responding to this need. The article lists the University at Albany’s business school which offers a full-time MBA specialisation in cyber security, covering both managing risks and analysing security incidents. Florida Tech has an online course on offer which is an MBA in cyber security and Coventry University in the UK offers a similar course as well taught in a combination of face-to-face workshops on campus as well through online content.