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De-mantling a few myths around entrepreneurship

Morra Aarons-Mele has coined the buzzword “Entrepreneurship Porn”: Facebook and Amazon both have ...

News| Entrepreneurship

Bildnachweis: Deliveroo

Focus on entrepreneurship: The most successful startup founded by an MBA

Every year website Poets & Quants lists the Top MBA startups as ranked by venture capital-backed ...

Successful entrepreneurs looking back in life

Studying and the first years of employment can often be an overwhelming experience, triggering ...

News| Nicht auf Startseite

Picture: Pixabay

Best locations for female entrepreneurs in the U.S.

Female entrepreneurship has been on an upward climb over the past several years. In fact, according ...

News| Nicht auf Startseite

Picture: Pixabay

The Portfolio Career

“Many describe career paths as an upward trajectory, but moving sideways is becoming more popular ...

News| Nicht auf Startseite

Picture: Lateefa Alwaalan/ EY

Saudi Arabia crowns first female entrepreneur of the year

It’s a big step for Saudi Arabia and its female entrepreneurs: Lateefa Alwaalan is the first woman ...

News| Entrepreneurship

Picture: Pixabay

Ways to charm a venture capitalist

In Australia a new TV programme called Shark Tank does only one thing: It pairs entrepreneurs with ...

News| Entrepreneurship

Picture: Rainer Sturm / pixelio

Entrepreneurs do not need ideas, they need a problem to solve

“You have an idea, and it’s a big one. You’re motivated. You’re passionate. You’re smart. So here is ...