What does your desk look like?

Every single one of us has different working habits and a different personality. This is partly reflected in how we organise our computer and work space. Have you got an empty desk with everything stored away neatly or is your desk overflowing with little yellow post it notes, letters, newspaper clips and folders? Or worse, can you still find leftovers from last week’s lunch menu and gift wrapping from your last birthday party?

Picture: dragonstock / fotolia

So, what does your desk look like? And more importantly, what does this tell your employer and your colleagues about you?

Marketo, a producer of marketing software, has analysed the type of person you most likely are depending on the state of your desk. They have separated the different types of desk users into six categories. Can you find yourself in there? All jokes aside, there’s some truth in the following:

The Minimalist

Is this worker actually in the office? Long lunch breaks, no email correspondence and working in a bare space with just their computer. This desk shows that the worker is a fan of doing the bare minimum necessary, and may return reports late or be silent in meetings. They have also been caught looking for another job during the working hours of their present job, writes Marketo.

The Hoarder

This worker could practically live in his office: He has collected all paper work and meeting notes for the past ten years and wants to always be involved in everything, applying for every additional job possible in every committee. HR might view this employee’s desk a fire hazard though.

The Documentarian

This desk is well organised with memories as well as important documents and multiple copies of emails. This employee remembers everyone’s birthdays, cherishes business lunches, likes to help out wherever he can and is known to HR for keeping confidential documents in decorative frames.

The Techie

This technology-savvy employee has a fancy gadget to boost up their productivity for every project. A desk covered in multiple screens and video conferencing whilst playing video games might not necessarily increase his work output. HR might not be happy with them for blowing all the fuses when they plug in their 15th device below their desk.

The Sickie

This desk is a tidy desk, no bacteria allowed, thank you very much. If in the office, these workers are quite efficient and use their time to remind co-workers of proper hygiene whilst guarding their own keyboard, monitor and pens. These workers are also more often sick than anyone else in the office, however, as every little cold, cough, allergy or headache needs urgent attention. HR might also know about their overdosing on cough syrup.

The Zen Master

Every office needs a Zen Master, a calming presence whose desk resembles a spa with plants and inspirational posters. Deadlines and turning up on time for meetings might not be on top of their priority list and if they start meditating during a client meeting, you might need to report them to HR.

Find full report here:
What Your Desk Says About You [Infographic]