Female leaders: Twice the patience, twice the chutzpa, twice the stamina

Interview with Executive Coach Angela Heise

Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella recently caused controversy with his suggestion that women should not ask for pay raises. Despite him quickly apologising it showed there still are major issues for women in business. Fact is that female executives are still faced with huge pay gaps with many earning only three-quarters of what their male colleagues make. ...


Female confidence sabotaged

Interview with Henrik Naujoks

Henrik Naujoks, partner at Management Consultancy Bain & Company in Germany, on the question of why so few women make it into the C-suite. ...


News| Nicht auf Startseite

Picture: ZoomTeam / Fotolia

Three recipes for success women can learn from men

With women being only 14.6 per cent of executive officers, 8.1 per cent of top earners, and 4.6 per ...

News| Career + Application

Picture: Pixabay

Oh boy! The new gender gap in school and work

The British Economists quotes deans of prestigious schools and universities, all worried about one ...

News| Female Careers

Picture: Janine Garner

How to get rid of the glass ceiling

Women do want to break through the glass ceiling and sit on company boards and lead corporations. ...

News| Female Careers

Picture: Mike Larrain

Why women need a mentor

There are specific moments when women are particularly vulnerable to falling behind. After ...

News| Female Careers

Picture: Facebook

The diversity benchmark: gender equality

Gender equality today plays an important part in every major company and for all events on the world ...

News| Female Careers

Picture: Margrit / pixelio.de

Women directors better at mergers and acquisitions

The more women sit on a corporate board the less a company pays for its acquisitions, claims a new ...

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